Tendring Council Working to Realise Economic Strategy


Work is taking place to investigate key regeneration projects in Tendring in a bid to be prepared to make the most of the funding opportunities available to boost economic growth across the District.

Tendring Council Working to Realise Economic Strategy

Two initiatives – a Care and Assisted Living Innovation and Training Centre and an Innovation and Incubation Centre for Harwich – are already under consideration.

But Tendring District Council (TDC) Leader and Cabinet Member for Regeneration, Inward Investment and Asset Management Mick Page, does not want the list to be restricted and is looking to add to it over the coming months.

“This is all about making our economic development strategy real,” he told the Cabinet at its meeting on Friday.

“We need to provide flexibility in releasing money already set aside for regeneration activities.

“We want to start by looking at the two projects already identified but I want to commission further studies on other schemes which will deliver against our objectives.”

Cllr Page said it is vital to have what are known as “shovel ready projects” on the shelf for when grants or funding is available.

“These schemes are very much the key to it now and if we haven’t got them ready and waiting we cannot really say that we are open for business,” he added.

TDC is investigating whether or not there is a market for a Care and Assisted Living and innovation and Training Centre in Tendring.

The study will look at the potential of providing high specification work space of varying sizes for businesses working in the sector, as well as a training facility to equip businesses and employees with the skills they require.

It could result in the District becoming one of the leaders in delivering quality care.

The Harwich Innovation and Incubation Centre is a project which would provide high specification work space for new and established businesses working in the marine, logistics, engineering and offshore renewable sectors.

A feasibility study into that has been completed and the next stage is to see how this can be delivered on the ground in Harwich.

At Cabinet on Friday it was agreed to commission additional studies up to a limit of £250,000 to assess further potential projects.

Cllr Page said all this comes on top of the opportunities that Tendring has to capitalise on its £36million Coastal Defence Scheme which gets off the ground this month.


Press Release, June 23, 2014; Image: tendringdc