Fundy FORCE Works on Its Onshore Electrical Infrastructure

Grid Connection

After Fundy Ocean Research Center for Energy (FORCE) published a photo of ongoing works on an onshore electrical infrastructure, Offshore WIND contacted the Center to find out more about this phase of the project.

Fundy FORCE Works on Its Onshore Electrical Infrastructure

The photo shows the installation of the last cable vaults, which will house the shore end of FORCE’s 34.5kV subsea power cables, coming this fall.

“A series of cable ducts is already installed, running about 1km underground to our substation. From there, we have 10km of 138kV overhead transmission line running to a pre-existing substation, connecting us to the provincial power grid,”Matt Lumley, FORCE’s  Communications Director, told Offshore WIND.

FORCE is Canada’s leading research centre for in-stream tidal energy, located in the Bay of Fundy.

Offshore WIND Staff, August 28, 2014; Image: FORCE