Humphree Develops Vessel Motion Monitoring System

Humphree Develops Vessel Motion Monitoring System

Operations & Maintenance

Humphree, the Swedish based manufacturer of Interceptor Trim Tabs, has introduced a system for Vessel Motion Monitoring, which provides monitoring of real time impact forces, vessel heave motions and sea sickness index with a possibility of complete data recording.

Humphree has developed the Vessel Motion Monitoring (VMM) system in-house as a request from their customers in different segments of the marine industry. The system can observe and record likeliness of sea sickness, acceleration forces and ship motions, all related to GPS coordinates.

The system includes a three step structure, comprising transit, landing and recording.

With one or several Motion Sensors installed, the Captain can monitor accelerations (g-forces) at the location of each Motion Sensor onboard. Maximum, average and last impact are shown on a color display. Seasickness index and probable time to become seasick are also shown.

In some situations, such as docking against a wind turbine, it is very useful to monitor horizontal accelerations (g-forces) in combination with vertical vessel heave motions. With a Landing Sensor installed in the bow, the Humphree VMM system intuitively presents this real time information in the display.

For users that would like to review vessel operations in a post-processing stage, the Humphree VMM system offers an add-on possibility to record GPS position, accelerations, speed, heave motions and more.

The Humphree VMM can easily be added to a new or an existing Humphree trim interceptor system installation. The VMM can also be installed on vessels in operation as a stand-alone system.

“The marine market gets more and more demanding when it comes to onboard crew and passenger handling and we see that more people are requesting for a system that can observe what is happening on the vessel during operation. As our Vessel Motion Monitoring system also can record for further studies of the operation, we believe that it will be a helpful tool for different types of operators in the marine market,” says Per Landegren, Managing Director at Humphree.

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Press release; Image: Humphree