First Ever Seawork Asia Exhibition Launched

Business & Finance

Seawork Asia opened its doors to the public today. Over the past few days, exhibitors have been adding the final touches to their exhibition stands.

With over 4000 visitors expected from China and around the world, excitement and anticipation is building for the first ever Seawork Asia event.

Exhibiting companies will be looking to network and generate business leads not just for the immediate future but also to develop relationships and create sales pipelines for the growth of their businesses.

Visitors will have the opportunity to visit stands displaying the latest products and technology within the marine sector.

Today, the Workboat Forum has been running alongside the exhibition and this has attracted delegates interested in finding out the industry trends and an overview of the existing commercial marine, workboat and patrol boat market.

Delegates and industry leading experts will be sharing their knowledge with each other and enriching their understanding about future trends so that they are more able to predict ways to develop within their business.

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Press release; Image: © Mercator Media 2014