Copenhagen Infrastructure Partners Invests in Beatrice Offshore Wind Farm

Business & Finance

Copenhagen Infrastructure Partners has acquired 25% of the UK offshore wind project Beatrice.

The Beatrice project is located in Outer Moray Firth, Scotland and is one of five offshore wind projects in the UK awarded an Investment Contract by the UK government (fixed inflation indexed settlement price for a 15 year period). The project has been substantially developed by SSE plc (SSE) and Repsol S.A. (Repsol) and is progressing towards Final Investment Decision in 2016. The offshore wind farm is planned to be fully operational in 2019.

On behalf of its two funds, Copenhagen Infrastructure I and II, Copenhagen Infrastructure Partners (CIP) acquires 25% of the UK offshore wind project Beatrice from SSE. After the acquisition, Copenhagen Infrastructure I will own 12.5%, Copenhagen Infrastructure II 12.5%, SSE 50% and Repsol 25%.

“Beatrice is an attractive offshore wind project and it will complement our other infrastructure investments well. It is developed by strong and experienced industrial partners and we expect it to deliver stable inflation linked returns for many years,” says Christina G. Sørensen, Senior Partner in Copenhagen Infrastructure Partners.

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Press release