Schools Challenged to Invent Wave Energy Device


The next-generation renewable energy innovators are challenged to come up with new marine renewable energy device as a part of the new competition funded by the Scottish Government.

The Saltire Prize Challenge was created to accelerate the commercial development of wave and tidal energy technology. For 2015, SCDI is managing all aspects of the Junior Saltire Awards on behalf of Skills Development Scotland and Scottish Government.

2014 winners in the P5-P7 age group

The competition is open to teams of up to four pupils in three age groups, P5-P7, S1-S3 and S4-S6, with prizes of up to £750 and Saltire Medals up for grabs.

After registering, pupils should carry out research before they build and test their device.

In June 2015, a shortlist of up to four teams in each age category will be invited to test their device models at the FloWave Ocean Energy Research Facility at the University of Edinburgh, which will be followed by final judging.

Offshore WIND Staff; Image: sds