Crown Estate to Guard Welsh Natural Resources


The Crown Estate and Natural Resources Wales have signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) underlining their commitment to work in partnership to ensure that the natural resources of Wales are sustainably managed in the long term.

The Crown Estate has already been working closely with Natural Resources Wales where there is a shared interest, such as across the offshore renewables sector and rural and coastal developments.

Natural Resources Wales is a Welsh Government-sponsored body, established to ensure that the natural resources and environment of Wales are sustainably maintained, enhanced and used, now and in the future.

Alison Nimmo, Chief Executive, said: “Underlying our work in Wales is a commitment to providing lasting value and taking our responsibilities for natural resources seriously. We share Wales’ ambitions to grow the offshore renewables sector and ensure that rural and coastal land is sustainably worked, developed and enjoyed to deliver value over the long term.”

Dr Emyr Roberts, Chief Executive of Natural Resources Wales said: “We have already been working with The Crown Estate on several projects, including the mapping of natural heritage interests for the sustainable development of offshore renewable energy projects.

The memorandum sets out a framework in which the two organisations can work together to achieve mutual objectives. This includes the principles of open discussion and transparency around areas of common interest; sharing data and information where it may be relevant; and exploring further opportunities to collaborate for mutual and wider benefit.

The Crown Estate has a separate Memorandum of Understanding with the Welsh Government to work together to achieve strategic goals, particularly in the emerging renewables sector.

Image: The Crown Estate