Havyard Delivers Wind Farm Service Vessel to Esvagt


Havyard Ship Technology AS has delivered the first of three Havyard 832 SOV windmill service vessels to the Danish shipping company Esvagt.

The contract for the first two Havyard 832 SOV windmill service vessels was signed in July 2013, and the first of them, newbuild 118, will now be delivered from Havyard Ship Technology’s yard in Leirvik in Sogn. The two vessels will be used under long-term contracts with Siemens on service assignments for offshore windfarms.

Vessel number two in the series is scheduled for delivery from the yard in March this year. Esvagt has also ordered an additional Havyard 832 SOV from Havyard. It will be under contract for Dudgeon windfarm, which is operated by Statoil.

“This is yet another milestone for Havyard,” said Kenneth Pettersen, who is head of the Ship Technology business area in Havyard Group ASA.

“Havyard has good references and a strong position in designing, building and fitting out advanced vessels for use in connection with offshore oil production. We have now used this expertise and experience to gain a foothold in the new and exciting renewable energy segment,” added Pettersen.

Image: hvyard