Sheringham Shoal Extends Tidal Transit Contract


Tidal Transit has recently received an extension of the contract for its vessel Ginny Louise from Statkraft, the Norwegian company that running the Sheringham Shoal offshore wind farm.

This follows the current extension for its sister vessel, Tia Elizabeth.

For almost three years one or more of Tidal Transit’s personnel transfer vessels (PTVs) have been on charter at the wind farm during the construction and maintenance phases of the 88 wind turbines off the coast of North Norfolk.

As a ‘thank you’ to the Sheringham Shoal Offshore Wind Farm for the continuous employment of its vessels, Tidal Transit’s Commercial Director Leo Hambro, commissioned a painting by local artist John Hurst.

“This painting is a small acknowledgement of the part that Sheringham Shoal offshore wind farm has played in the development of our business,” says Leo Hambro, “and the part that Tidal Transit has played and is still playing, in the success of the Sheringham Shoal offshore wind farm.”

Image: ni4b