Masters Course in Marine Renewables Starts Next Month

Training & Education

Global certification, inspection and testing group Bureau Veritas and the Spanish Maritime Institute (IME) are looking to raise standards of training and education in the offshore wind industry with a new Masters in Marine Renewables Energy course, starting 11th May 2015 in the second edition.

The course has been launched following a report by EY, which identified the need to improve skills and training in the offshore wind industry to help achieve a comparable levelised cost of energy (LCOE).

The EY report, which was launched at EWEA Copenhagen, identified training and ensuring workforce in terms of capacity and education as powerful levers for reducing the LCOE.

Bureau Veritas, using its Business School education platform with IME, has now developed the online Masters course in Marine Renewable Energy for all types of professionals wanting a broad education in offshore wind. The course is structured in seven modules with a final project and a business internationalisation project (or an internship in a company). The course covers subjects such as:

  • The main challenges of offshore renewable energies in the context of climate change
  • Enhance the technical capabilities and comprehension of the different renewable offshore technologies.
  • Increase the skills necessary to manage the planning requirements of offshore renewable energy installations.
  • Acquire sufficient knowledge of the operation and maintenance of the installations and health and safety requirements.
  • Understand economics of renewable offshore technologies and the different possible financing structures of the projects.
  • Gain the necessary skills to manage shipping and logistics.

Carlos Abuin, OFTO Relationship Manager at Dong Energy, said: “The offshore wind industry is visibly delivering on lowering cost of electricity, developing sustainable knowledge and skills in operations & maintenance will be playing an important part of that role. This represents an attractive opportunity for professionals who want to leverage their knowledge in other more mature industries to contribute to this cost reduction journey”.

John MacAskill, Bureau Veritas’ Head of Renewables (Europe), said: “Bureau Veritas is delighted to be a part of this course. Our team of professionals, along with our partner companies; DONG, EDP R, Iberdrola, Repsol and others, have developed extremely strong content within an enjoyable and challenging programme. Bureau Veritas, along with IME, invite professionals looking to broaden their qualifications in offshore wind to this programme.”

This is an on-line course in English and the start the course is scheduled for 11th May 2015, with a duration of 12 months. The Bureau Veritas Business School’s Education Platform ensures the online course is also compatible for Android and Apple tablets and mobiles. The course credits are recognised by the European Credit Transfer and Accumulations System.

Image: navingo