Acta Marine Preparing to Install BlueTec Tidal Platform


Acta Marine’s Coastal Chariot will soon install the floating BlueTec platform, south of the island of Texel in The Netherlands.

Acta Marine has coincided the installation process with Van Oord Offshore. In June, the Coastal Chariot will tow and hook-up the platform.

The DP1 Ultra Shallow Draft Multipurpose Support Vessel will then attach it to the seabed by using four Stevpris anchors.

Acta Marine Preparing to Install BlueTec Tidal Platform2On the 9th of April, the Mayor of Texel formally named the first BlueTEC Tidal Energy platform ‘BlueTEC Texel’.

The floating platform will – after the installation – be supplying clean electricity to the Dutch grid.

It serves as a demonstration platform, delivering electricity to remote locations worldwide, such as islands in Indonesia, Philippines and the Pacific.

Images: Acta Marine/ Bluewater