BSH Reduces Cable Depth Requirements


The Germany’s Federal Maritime and Hydrographic Agency (BSH) has released an update of the Federal Trade plan for offshore power grid planning in the EEZ of the North Sea (BFO-N).

The update includes minor changes in the route and location planning. Also, it reduces the required covering height for cable systems from 3 meters to 1,50 meters even within traffic separation zones.

The reduction of the depth of cover for cable systems was the result of extensive field trials by BSH, Federal Waterways and Shipping Authority, Federal Waterways Engineering and Research Institute and the transmission system operator of the North Sea.

They studied the actual depth the anchor penetrates in the area of the planned cable routes.

The agency has also announced the extension of a ban on modifications of areas for network infrastructures, resulting in more clusters for offshore wind energy can be included in the BFO-N as needed.

For the next few decades, the plan ensures the land for a total of up to 25 converter platforms and up to 2,500 km of high voltage direct current cables.

OffshoreWIND staff; Image: TenneT