CETO 5 Reaches 10,000 Operational Hours Milestone


Carnegie Wave Energy Limited has reached a significant milestone in its Perth Project, with the CETO 5 units reaching 10,000 hours of cumulative, continuous operation.

The milestone was achieved last week as a result of continuous operation of the Project to date.

During this period the units have seen a wide range of sea states, including waves of up to 5.7 metres in height.

Carnegie’s CEO, Dr Michael Ottaviano said, “Achieving 10,000 hours of continuous operation is a significant milestone not just for Carnegie but for the wave energy industry as a whole. The industry has faced a lot of challenges, especially around reliability and survivability. By demonstrating the continuous operation of our product, we’re addressing these challenges. Our understanding is that this is the longest continuous period of operation any in-ocean wave energy project has ever achieved, anywhere in the world.”

Image: carnegie