Oz Wave Energy Specialist Moves to Cornwall

Business & Finance

Australian CETO wave energy technology developer, Carnegie Wave Energy Limited, has set up a base in Cornwall.

Carnegie has located in Cornwall having secured a berth at Wave Hub and due to the region’s superb infrastructure, supply chain and suitability for the deployment of the company’s CETO 6 wave technology.

“We are delighted to welcome Carnegie to Cornwall; the company’s decision to locate at Wave Hub reinforces the global importance of the facility. The infrastructure for the development, testing and deployment of Marine Renewable Energy (MRE) solutions in Cornwall is truly market leading. The location of Carnegie in the region will present a significant opportunity for the local supply chain, as the majority of fabrication and engineering will be completed locally,” said Claire Gibson, Wave Hub Managing Director

The CETO 6 solution is targeting deployment at Wave Hub in 2018. Located 16km offshore in the eastern extremes of the Atlantic Ocean, Wave Hub offers Carnegie direct grid access with a capacity of 30-48 MW and an on-facility substation. The project has already started, with construction scheduled to commence in 2017 and first power by 2018.

Carnegie is currently located at the Pool Innovation Centre and plans to move into the Hayle Marine Business Park following its completion later in 2015. The company has been supported by Invest in Cornwall, a project funded by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) and Cornwall Council, hosted by Cornwall Development Company.

Image: carnegie