Per Aarsleff to Enlarge Port of Frederikshavn
Frederikshavn Havn A/S, after an invitation to tender which involved four tenderers, expects to enter into a contract with Per Aarsleff A/S for the first phase of the port enlargement. The contract is expected to have a total value of DKK 500-600 million (approx. EUR 67-80 million).

The invitation to tender was based on functional requirements, and Aarsleff will carry out the enlargement as a turnkey contract with the subsidiary VG Entreprenør A/S and Rohde Nielsen A/S as subcontractors and Grontmij A/S as consulting engineer.
Port of Frederikshavn will enlarge and improve its current harbour facilities and develop growing business areas such as the offshore industry, the wind turbine industry and the recycling industry with environmentally friendly decommissioning of ships and oil rigs.
Aarsleff is to establish a 600-metre new quay designed to accommodate high loads, a 30-hectare hinterland area and extend and deepen the fairway to a depth of 12 metres.
The geotechnical site investigations, authority processing and design will begin in August 2015, whereas the execution will begin in 2016. The project is scheduled for completion in the spring of 2018.
Image: Port of Frederikshavn