Two Substation Jackets Traveling to Gemini OWF Site

Wind Farm Update

Two Substation Jackets Traveling to Gemini OWF Site-

Two jacket foundations for the offshore substations to be installed at the Gemini wind farm site are on their way, the developer reported via social media. 

A joint venture between Cofely Fabricom, CG and Iemants, is in charge of the two offshore substations and one onshore station for the project. Each offshore station will be linked to the onshore one by a 120km long cable.

At the beginning of this month, the first monopile was installed at the wind farm site located 85 kilometers off the coast of Groningen.

The wind farm will consist of 150 Siemens wind turbines, which are due to go into full operation by 2017.


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Offshore WIND Staff; Images: Gemini Windpark