Royal HaskoningDHV Involved in 8GW of UK OW Projects

Business & Finance

Following the UK Government’s decision to grant consent for Dogger Bank Teesside A & B, Royal HaskoningDHV reported that it has now provided key input to the environmental impact assessment process for over 8GW of successful offshore wind farm applications in the UK.

The company has worked on Dogger Bank projects since 2008 and was involved in the successful bid that saw Forewind gain the development rights for the zone. Royal HaskoningDHV has since lead on each of Forewind’s Environmental Impact Assessments, providing expertise across a range of onshore and offshore technical disciplines, including ecology, transport planning, marine mammals and Habitats Regulations Assessment.

Royal HaskoningDHV pointed out that it has been involved in six Nationally Significant Infrastructure Project Examinations under the Planning Act, and drew down on this experience to provide support, expert input and oral representation to the examination phase of Dogger Bank Teesside A & B, with the same services having been previously provided for Dogger Bank Creyke Beck.

Martin Goff, Offshore Environmental Manager at Forewind said: “Royal HaskoningDHV has been a vitally important partner for Forewind, playing a pivotal role in the development consent order application for Dogger Bank Teesside A&B, particularly in the production of the 15,000 page environmental statement submitted to the Planning Inspectorate. Their team members put in an enormous effort to ensure we had a world-class application and Forewind is extremely appreciative of their support over the past seven years.”

Rufus Howard, Director of Renewables and Marine Development, Royal HaskoningDHV, said: “The development of the Dogger Bank Zone continues to be a flagship in our energy and infrastructure consenting portfolio and we are proud to stand as the longest serving consultancy to Forewind. The team has maintained its innovative approach to research, assessment and problem solving with Dogger Bank Teesside A & B and as a result the second consent has been awarded in this zone. The Secretary of State’s announcement is a testament to this hard work and represents a significant contribution to achieving renewable energy targets, energy security and a boost to the UK economy.”