Outer Moray Firth Crawls with Offshore Wind Activity
The 664MW Beatrice offshore wind project site is crawling with activity.

According to Kingfisher Fortnightly Bulletin, two companies are conducting surveys in the Outer Moray Firth.
Brown and May Marine Ltd has been contracted by SSE to conduct marine survey operations that include larval sampling at 25 locations.
Around the same time this last year, the company conducted the identical survey, thus calling the current one a “replica survey of the last year.”
Brown and May Marine has recruited FV Antaries and FV Pleiades vessels for the job.
Furthermore, MMT is carrying out a geophysical and geotechnical survey within the Beatrice offshore wind farm site and cable corridor in the outer Moray Firth. The Swedish survey specialist is using its Franklin and Ice Beam at the site.
Started at the beginning of this month, both jobs are scheduled do last up to eight weeks.
Owned by SSE Renewables (50%), Repsol Nuevas Energias UK (25%) and Copenhagen Infrastructure Partners (25%), the wind farm is planned for construction in 2016.