OWI Lab Tests CG’s Transformers


Sirris’ OWI Lab has tested transformers for CG Power Systems under extreme weather conditions.

The manufacturer of transformers for onshore and offshore wind turbines wanted to have these tests performed simultaneously for various versions.

Pieter Jan Jordaens, Project Leader at Sirris/ OWI-Lab, explains: “CG Power Systems uses our large climate chamber regularly to test and validate its transformers. The aim is to test reliability at very high temperatures and at cold startup.” The tests are performed at temperatures ranging from -40 °C to +50 °C.

Not only the gearboxes of wind turbines are subject to extreme stresses. Transformers are also a critical component.

OWI-Lab has a large climate chamber big enough to test multiple transformers simultaneously.

Jordaens added: “Simultaneous testing is interesting if you want to test multiple product versions under identical conditions.” 

Image: owi-lab