Isle of Wight Tidal Project Gets Onshore OK


Perpetuus has submitted an amendment to its application for the Perpetuus Tidal Energy Centre (PTEC) with the Marine Management Organisation (MMO). In the amendment, the proposed height of some turbine towers above water is reduced by half, from 18m to 9m. 

In a letter to the MMO, Perpetuus said: “… Certain surface piercing tidal devices, which are currently limited to 18m above Lowest Astronomical Tide (LAT), namely the ‘fixed bottom mounted surface piercing tower’ and ‘transverse axis with fixed surface piercing support columns’ device types, will be reduced within the Rochdale Envelope to 9m above LAT.”

MMO will decide whether to grant a licence to Perpetuus for the use of the area off St Catherine’s for tidal energy testing, but the decision will not be made before October, OnTheWight news site reported.

On Tuesday, the Isle of Wight Council gave a planning permission to a substation and control room proposed as part of the tidal energy project.

However, the Isle of Wight Council planning committee is approving the infrastructure only if it will not create noise nuisance, according to Isle of Wight County Press. As noise level should not exceed 52 decibels one metre from the compound, the company will study projected decibel level to ensure it is safe for the residents. Residents living near the substation will also be consulted before the equipment is installed.

The council will have complete control over noise and will act if the noise limits are exceeded.

Offshore WIND Staff; Image: PTEC