IT Power Screens Sites for FPP’s Wave-Wind Device


IT Power has carried out a site screening study for wave and offshore floating wind technology developers Floating Power Plant (FPP).

IT Power said that, using FPP’s technical and commercial site requirements as the search criteria, it identified huge potential for FPP in the UK, locating a number of sites suitable for FPP’s first commercial deployment.

FPP is developing the P80 wave and wind energy floating platform for commercial deployment in the UK. The platform, with a capacity of up to 7.6MW, is currently being designed by the company and their partners, following two years of testing a grid connected 1:2.3 scale prototype.

FPP recently set up a UK subsidiary in Edinburgh and are focussed on the resources in UK waters.

IT Power said it will continue to work with FPP in analysing the suitability of a number of primary sites.

Image: IT Power