Borssele I & II Tender Postponed


The call for tenders for Borssele sites I and II, planned to be launched this month, will be delayed until mid-January 2016.

Image: TenneT

This was said by the Dutch Ministry of Economic Affairs, which explained it will wait for the discussion on the draft bill, called Stroom, in the Dutch Senate before launching the tender procedure. The draft bill includes new rules regarding the construction and operation of the offshore grid and will be discussed in the Senate just before its Christmas recess, according to the national media.

Under the new bill, construction of the offshore grid will be controlled by TenneT and this will be imposed as a condition for the tender.

The application period for the first round of tenders was initially scheduled to run from 2 December 2015 to 31 March 2016. Even though the opening date has now been postponed, the closing date remains the same.

Offshore WIND Staff