Ingeteam Looking Into O&M Cost Cuts


O&M services provider Ingeteam Service has been chosen to lead the Nidaros R&D project awarded by Spain’s Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness and directed at increasing the competitiveness of offshore wind power.

Image source: Ingeteam Service

In collaboration with the Tecnalia technology centre, the Nidaros project is expected to lead to a reduction in offshore operating costs through improvements in maintenance management.

The Nidaros is to develop a new engineering tool, maintenance procedures and monitoring technologies for the implementation of advanced maintenance strategies for energy generating devices of this type. The initial results are set to be presented at the end of 2016.

This is the third R&D offshore project Ingeteam Service has been involved in since 2013.

One of these projects is Optimus, funded by the European Union and directed at increasing wind turbine reliability levels. Ingeteam says that the project’s initial results show a ”successful implementation of the new maintenance strategies based on condition monitoring methodologies.”  

Ingeteam Service has also taken part in Suprapower, a project directed at offering advanced industrial solutions for deep-sea wind turbines through a 10 MW offshore wind turbine design based on a superconducting (SC) generator.