Siemens Posts over 100 New Job Vacancies in Hull
Recruitment for Siemens’ new facilities in Hull is in “full swing” as more than 100 new positions were advertised today for roles within Siemens’ wind turbine blade manufacturing facility currently under construction at Alexandra Dock.

With the latest recruitment wave, the number of jobs advertised for Siemens’ Hull facilities climbed to over 300.
A range of roles were advertised on the company’s website and in the Hull Daily Mail, including 75 Production Operative positions. Other opportunities include Shift Manager and Team Lead positions and roles responsible for quality control within the blade factory.
Siemens has already hired around 100 people in Hull, with some of these on board in project management roles, undergoing training or due to start their employment within the next few weeks.
Siemens’ Hull Project Director Finbarr Dowling said: “The recruitment process is now well and truly in full swing, with almost a third of all the jobs that will be available having been advertised.
“We have filled all the senior management positions, in the blade factory and associated facilities, as well as many of the middle management and team lead roles. Recruitment of the production workforce is also now well under way.”
The majority of the Operative positions advertised today are within the Finishing department where employees will carry out the finishing touches and any required repairs to the blades once they have been cast. The Packing roles involve placing layers of glass fibre material within the moulds to build up the blades, while the Service positions support the production process through provision and movement of equipment and materials. The Quality department roles involve inspecting and signing off work undertaken throughout the production process.
The last wave of recruitment, in November, resulted in around 3,300 applications for 135 jobs, with a number of candidates applying for more than one position. A total of 360 candidates for the production jobs advertised then will be seen at assessment centre sessions in Hull in the weeks commencing January 25 and February 1, with individual interviews for management roles by early in February.
Simon Roberts, Siemens’ Hull Recruitment Project Manager, said the timing of jobs to be advertised was synchronised with the training plan, including arrangements for most of those appointed to production roles to undergo training in Aalborg, Denmark, where Siemens has an existing blade factory.
He said unsuccessful candidates from the last recruitment wave had been informed, while others will be invited to the upcoming assessment centre sessions or sessions from March.
He added: “We’re really in the thick of the recruitment programme now and it’s all hands to the pump. We’re going through a continual process of advertising, screening, testing and holding assessment centres.
“We’re doing all we can to ensure candidates are kept informed and those who are successful have a smooth journey into their employment with Siemens
“We would appeal to candidates who have been unsuccessful in applying for a specific job not to apply again if more of the same or similar jobs are advertised. We are asking people to make their self-assessment of what role or roles are most suitable for them and we will help them with their judgement of that, based on the information in their applications and the online tests they have taken.”
Source: Green Port Hull