HiDef Involved in Floating Offshore Wind Project off Scotland


HiDef Aerial Surveying has been delivering extreme high resolution video marine mammal and bird surveys to Hexicon AB since January 2015, in support of Hexicon’s application for consent for the Dounreay Tri Demonstrator project.

Image source: Hexicon

Hexicon is a Swedish company with a background within shipbuilding and technology development, which is applying for consent to build and operate a semi-submersible platform which will support two wind turbines at a site approximately 9km from the Dounreay power station, on the north coast of Scotland.

“HiDef recognises the massive potential for floating offshore wind to help provide part of the UK’s future energy mix and we are therefore delighted to confirm that we have been supporting Hexicon since January 2015 at the Dounreay Tri Demonstrator project,” HiDef’s Commercial Director Kit Hawkins said.

”This project is a new and innovative technology which has the potential to strengthen the viability of offshore wind power and to continue to reduce the cost of generation. As a technology development company ourselves, we recognise the inherent value in the testing of new technology in real-world conditions.”

The proposed 10MW Dounreay Tri floating offshore wind farm is expected to be commissioned in June 2018.

“The cost-effectiveness of HiDef’s offering, coupled with their experience of working on floating wind projects and in Scottish Territorial Waters meant that they were always the first-choice for our project team,” Hexicon’s project director Marcus Thor said.

”We believe that the Dounreay Tri Demonstrator project will help shape the future of offshore wind, by demonstrating the effectiveness of floating foundations and helping to drive down cost. HiDef has played a critical part of the early stages of our project’s development, including surveying in some challenging weather conditions this winter.”