8.2 Consulting Carrying Out Technical Due Diligence at Meerwind

Business & Finance

Independent fund management company DIF has awarded 8.2 Consulting AG with a contract to perform preliminary technical due diligence at the 288MW Meerwind Süd|Ost offshore wind farm.

Source: 8.2 Consulting

DIF asked 8.2 Consulting AG to focus on the analysis of the O&M strategy, the O&M budget estimation, the estimation of electrical losses and a general red-flag analysis.

Meerwind Süd|Ost is located in the German Bight in the North Sea, 23 kilometres north of the island of Helgoland, which is the wind farm’s maintenance base.

The wind farm consists of 80 3.6MW Siemens turbines in water depths of 22 metres to 26 metres. It is owned and operated by WindMW GmbH, which in turn is owned by Blackstone (80%) and Windland Energieerzeugungs GmbH (20%).

Meerwind has been in operation since January 2015.