Partrac Nets Dudgeon Metocean Contract
Statoil has selected Partrac to provide real-time wave and current measurement services for the 402MW Dudgeon offshore wind farm.

Partrac has been contracted to manage the deployment and maintenance of the equipment and the delivery of real-time waves and current data over the duration of the construction phase of the development.
Partrac selected a Triaxys wave buoy to provide real-time wave, current profile and sea surface temperature data.
Sam Athey, Director at Partrac, said: “We are very pleased to be delivering metocean services to Statoil and the Dudgeon Offshore Wind Farm. This project award is testament to our commitment to providing safe and cost-effective metocean services to the offshore industries.”
Dudgeon is located some 20 miles off the coast of the seaside town of Cromer in North Norfolk.
Through the joint venture company Dudgeon Offshore Wind Limited, it is owned by Statoil, Statkraft and Masdar.
Statoil is developing wind farm and will continue as its operator when it starts generating electricity in early 2017.
Earlier this month, the crane vessel Oleg Strashnov installed the first of 67 monopile foundations at the site.