Nass & Wind Launches M3EA Measurement Platform off Dunkirk


Nass & Wind Smart Services has recently installed a M3EA floating measurement platform to measure wind conditions off the coast of Dunkirk and offer the data collected to wind developers interested in participating in France’s third call for offshore wind tenders scheduled to start this summer.

Source: Nass & Wind

The data collected by the M3EA, equipped with a LiDAR Leosphere system, will be offered to public and private offshore wind developers who wish to establish themselves in the region, Romain Baronnet, CEO of Nass & Wind Smart Services, said.

France launched the third call for offshore wind tenders in early April, this time for an area off the coast of Dunkirk.

The tendering procedure will be based on the so-called “competitive dialogue” which is expected to allow an interaction with the candidates to specify their scope statements and give them the opportunity to improve their offers during the procedure.

Nass & Wind’s M3EA platform was validated by DNV GL in March 2015, one year after its launch off the coast of Saint Vaast-la-Hougue.

Offshore WIND Staff