Study Finds Areas for Improvement of German Offshore Grid

Grid Connection

A new study commissioned by German wind energy industry has revealed considerable acceleration and cost reduction potential in the offshore HVDC grid connection field and has proposed an improved network utilization for short-term elimination of bottlenecks on land. 

Illustration (Photo: Siemens/ archive)

According to the analysis, there is potential for acceleration of 8 to 14 months in the tendering and contracting phase for offshore HVDC grid connections, as well as the phase of the project implementation. For the planning and approval phase, there is a potential to speed thing up of 6-9 months.

In addition, the study shows a possible cost reduction of up to 30 percent through technical innovations in connection concepts.

Acceleration and cost reduction are not only necessary at grid connections at sea, but also at the networks on land, according to the companies that commissioned the study. “For the implementation of the energy transition, more rapid expansion of electricity grids at sea and on land are of high importance.”

The study was commissioned by German Offshore Wind Foundation (Stiftung Offshore-Windenergte) and Wirtschaftsverband Windkraftwerke, together with the associations AGOW, OFW, Owia, VDMA Power Systems and WAB, and the companies 8.2 Consulting AG, ABB AG, ADWEN GmbH, ENOVA Energieanlagen GmbH, GE Energy Germany, West Assekuranzmakler GmbH & Co. KG, PNE WIND AG, SIEMENS AG, Strabag OW EVS GmbH, WindMW and wpd offshore solutions GmbH.

The report can be found here (in German).

The study was conducted by Fichtner GmbH and GGSC Rechtsanwälte.

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