8.2 Consulting Completes Quality Assessment for Gemini


German renewables specialists 8.2 Consulting AG was contracted to assess the performance of Siemens Wind Power during the assembly of the 150 Siemens 4MW turbines built for the 600MW Gemini offshore wind farm in the Dutch part of the North Sea.

Source: Gemini Windpark

The assessment focused on timeliness for assembly of hubs, nacelles and blades in the different factories.

Furthermore the product quality and the related as built documentation was also evaluated.

Siemens and Van Oord installed the last turbine at the site on 23 August.

Gemini wind farm is being jointly developed by Canada’s Northland Power (60% project interest), wind turbine manufacturer Siemens Wind Power (20%), Van Oord (10%) and renewable energy and waste processing company HVC (10%).

The wind farm is being built on two locations close to each other, Buitengaats and ZeeEnergie, situated some 85 kilometers from the coast of Groningen, and the full commissioning is expected in 2017.

8.2 Consulting is currently also involved in the production surveillance for the 288MW Sandbank offshore wind farm located 90 kilometres off the coast of Sylt in the German North Sea.