Germany Adopts Offshore Wind Anti-Corrosion Standard


Germany’s Federal Maritime and Hydrographic Agency (BSH) has adopted a joint standard from VGB PowerTech and the Federal Waterways Engineering and Research Institute (BAW) for the protection of offshore wind farms from corrosion.  

Illustration. Source: Muehlhan AG

With the adoption, BSH has made the VGB/BAW Standard a mandatory regulation in planning permission procedures for the offshore wind power industry.

The rough conditions on the open sea with strong winds, high waves and salt water are an ideal environment for corrosion damage on the massive steel structures of wind turbines and other wind farm components. The application of suitable corrosion protection systems aims at making the structures and equipment fit and safe for a service life of usually at least 25 years. VGB and BAW have developed a joint standard with which the systems can meet these challenges.

Dr. Hans Bünting, Chairman of VGB PowerTech e.V. and Chief Operating Officer Renewables, innogy SE, Essen, said: “With this work, VGB and BAW have increased planning security for the offshore wind industry and in doing so created further impetus for the energy transition. For generally valid standards assist all those involved in the planning and operation of plants.”

The standard has been published under the title of “Korrosionsschutz von Offshore-Windenergieanlagen und Windparkkomponenten” (Corrosion Protection for Offshore Wind Turbines and Wind Farm Components).

“This firms up the minimum technical requirements for the impending tendering procedures under the terms of the Wind Energy at Sea Act (WindSeeG). VGB as a technical industry association and BAW illustrate with the standard how offshore wind power can be made safer and more efficient in technical and economic terms with efficient work and cooperation. In addition, the VGB/BAW standard sets out clear requirements for all those involved, both on the manufacturers’ side and on that of the operators,” Bünting said.