Russia Plans 60MW Offshore Wind Farm in Karelia


Chinese energy service provider Sinomec and the government of the Russian republic of Karelia have signed an agreement to cooperate on the development of the 60MW Kem offshore wind farm off Kemsky District.

Source: The government of Karelia

The project is valued at around RUB 9 billion (EUR 131 million) and will be financed by the government of Karelia, Sinomec, and Russian Direct Investment Fund.

The project is expected to enter construction phase in 2017 and the commissioning of the wind farm is scheduled for 2020.

Over 65% of the equipment used on the project is to be made in Russia, mainly by local contractors, the government said.

Some 200 new jobs will be created during the construction phase, and 30 additional positions will be opened during the operation phase of the wind farm.