Forthwind Cleared to Install Two-Bladed Turbine Duo off Scotland


Forthwind Ltd, a wholly owned subsidiary of 2-B Energy, has been granted a license by the Scottish Ministers to construct and operate the 18MW Forthwind Offshore Wind Demonstration Project in the Firth of Forth at Methil, Scotland.

Source: 2-B Energy/YouTube

The marine license covers marine renewables construction, operation and deposit of substances or objects in the Scottish marine area.

The license remains in force until December 2036 or until the project is decommissioned prior to this date.

The Forthwind Offshore Wind Demonstration Project is located approximately 1.5 kilometres off the coast of Methil.

The two demonstration offshore wind turbines will have an installed capacity of up to 9MW.

Each turbine will have 2 blades with a maximum turbine hub height of 121 metres above Lowest Astronomical Tide (LAT), including the jacket, with a maximum height to blade tip of up to 198.5 metres above LAT.

The turbines will be connected to the grid via a transformer station located at the landfall location on the Fife Energy Park.