Norther Seeks Marine Coordination Services
Norther NV, the developer of the Belgian offshore wind farm, has issued a call for tenders for marine coordination services to be provided from 1 February 2018 to 1 September 2019.

Those wanting to respond to the invitation can do so by noon on 24 April.
Norther N.V. reached the Final Investment Decision (FID) for the Norther project in December 2016, with the construction planned to start in 2018.
The wind farm will comprise 44 MHI Vestas 8MW turbines optimised to deliver a maximum output of 8.4MW. Van Oord is the EPCI contractor for the foundations, the offshore substation, and the inter-array and export cables. For the transport and installation of the foundations and turbines Van Oord intends to deploy its offshore installation vessel Aeolus and cable-laying vessel Nexus. Sif and Smulders will handle the production of foundations and TPs.
The wind farm is owned by Norther NV, a joint venture between Elicio and Boreas with three sponsors: Elicio NV (50%), Eneco (25%) and Mitsubishi Corporation (25%).
When commissioned in 2019, the 370MW project will be Belgium’s largest wind farm.