Expertise Hub VIDEO: New Renewable Energy Technology Keeping Lloyd’s Register Busy


The global drive for low-carbon solutions has powered more renewable energy technologies looking to hit the market and Lloyd’s Register is one of the first-hand witnesses of this as the company is seeing an increase in inquiries for technology qualification and foresees a significant growth over the next 5 to 10 years, according to John Yates, Offshore Business Development Manager at Lloyd’s Register.

Among the various technologies currently at Lloyd’s Register, the company is also working for Floating Power Plant (FPP) on technology qualification. When it comes to this kind of next generation technology, Lloyd’s Register’s approach involves filtering out the proven aspects of the system from the novel aspects so the effort and attention throughout the technology qualification process could be focused only on the novel aspects.

Specifically in offshore wind, the company is currently working on several projects, according to Yates.

To learn more about the company and its work, as well as the challenges in technology qualification, watch our Expertise Hub interview.

For more Expertise Hub interviews, visit Navingo’s Offshore WIND channel on Vimeo.