Expertise Hub VIDEO: Monopiles Are a Perfect Fit for Next Generation Turbines (Sif Group)

Business & Finance

Monopile foundations are the best option for next generation turbines because they are the most cost-effective solution in the market, Michel Kurstjens, Chief Commercial Officer of Sif Group, said.

In an interview with Offshore WIND, Kurstjens, one of the panelists at the Offshore WIND Conference in Amsterdam, also discussed the opening of the second production line at Sif’s facility in the Port of Rotterdam, as well as the company’s preparations for the potential rise of the floating wind.

”I think floating offshore wind might be the game-changer of the future, I just don’t know. But it is important enough for us to invest in it, to be part of the developments, so that when it arises we are ready for it,’’ Kurstjens said.

Watch our Expertise Hub interview to find out more on Sif Group’s current projects and future plans.

For more Expertise Hub interviews, visit Navingo’s Offshore WIND channel on Vimeo