First Nissum Bredning Turbine Stands Complete

Wind Farm Update

Nissum Brednings Vindmøllelaug has completed the installation of the first Siemens 7MW direct drive wind turbine at the Nissum Bredning demonstration site in Denmark.

Image source: Nissum Brednings Vindmøllelaug
Image source: Nissum Brednings Vindmøllelaug

The tower sections and the nacelle of the first wind turbine were installed on the site last week.

On Tuesday, 28 November, the barge carrying components for the second turbine arrived at the offshore construction site. After installing two tower sections the day after, the project team was interrupted by strong winds and decided to continue the works on the second turbine once the weather conditions are more favorable.

The turbine components are being transported out of the Port of Esbjerg and are being installed onto the gravity jacket foundations directly from the Osprey Valliant barge.

The last out of the total of four gravity jacket foundations was installed earlier this month. The foundations, another concept from Siemens, feature concrete transition pieces.

Spanish joint venture Navantia-Windar is the manufacturer of the three-legged jacket foundations and accompanying piles for the 28MW project, while Aarsleff won the contract to build the concrete transition pieces and install the new gravity jacket foundations.

Aarsleff delivered the four transition pieces in October.

The crane vessel Matador 3 is currently mobilizing and should install the remaining two concrete transition pieces shortly, the developer said.

The Nissum Bredning offshore wind farm, which serves as a testbed for Siemens’ technology, will get support by receiving a guaranteed feed-in tariff of DKK 0.7/kWh (EUR 0.09/kWh) for the initial 10 years for the first 50,000 full load hours of operation.