Scotland Officially Sets 50% by 2030 Renewables Goal


Scotland has published a new Energy Strategy setting the country’s goal of reaching 50% of renewable energy by 2030 and increasing the productivity of energy use across the Scottish economy.

Image source: Scottish Enterprise

According to the Energy Strategy, Scotland will continue supporting and growing the offshore wind sector, including floating offshore wind, and creating more opportunities for Scottish manufacturers and the supply chain from the developments taking place in its waters.

As part of the development, Marine Scotland is currently beginning the identification process of potential areas for new offshore wind energy sites, which will be presented in a Sectoral Marine Plan for Offshore Wind in deeper Scottish waters.

In addition, Crown Estate Scotland, the body which manages the leasing of the country’s seabed on behalf of Scottish Ministers, has begun to consider the potential case for and approach to issuing new leasing rights for commercial-scale offshore wind projects, and will be asking Scottish and UK stakeholders during 2018 for views on the proposed approach.

The Scottish government emphasises that the country has huge industrial and economic potential for offshore wind development, especially due to deeper waters and the supply chain strengthening and expanding.

As the government said, it will continue working with the UK Government to ensure that its approach under the proposed offshore wind Sector Deal takes Scotland’s offshore wind potential and opportunity full into account.