East Anglia One Team Tables Cable Talks


ScottishPower Renewables is holding public information days in Suffolk, UK, about the upcoming installation of cables which will connect the East Anglia One offshore wind farm to the national grid.

Image for illustrative purposes only. Source: Siemens Wind Power

The first event will be held in Woodbridge on 16 January, followed by public information days in Ipswich on 13 and 20 February.

All three public information days will be held from 4:00 to 7:30pm local time.

In the early stages of planning the project, ScottishPower Renewables decided to connect the wind farm to the national grid at Bramford using underground cables rather than constructing pylons.

Along the 37km route between Bawdsey and Bramford there are approximately 20 locations where Horizontal Directional Drilling (HDD) is required for crossing under waterways and infrastructure, the company said, which will help minimise disruption and reduce environmental impacts.

“To help connect the cables we have planned a Horizontal Directional Drilling programme of work. This involves innovative engineering practices and ensures that we won’t impact on train timetables and minimises road works. The largest drilling operation will allow us to install 700 metres of cable underneath the Deben,” Joanna Young, Stakeholder Manager for ScottishPower Renewables, said.