Ørsted Hands In Hornsea Project Three DCO Application


Ørsted has submitted an application to the UK Planning Inspectorate for a Hornsea Project Three Development Consent Order (DCO).

Image source: Ørsted

The application covers the generation and transmission assets, both offshore and onshore, a spokesperson for Ørsted told Offshore WIND.

The Planning Inspectorate is expected to decide if the application is accepted for examination by 11 June.

Ørsted is proposing to build the 2.4GW Hornsea Project Three wind farm more than 120 kilometres off the north Norfolk coast.

The wind farm will comprise up to 300 turbines and if built to full capacity could power the average daily needs of over 2 million UK homes.

If the DCO application is successful, the project is expected to enter the construction phase in 2020 at the earliest.