NHC Welcomes New Helicopter to Its Fleet
The Germany-based helicopter operator Northern HeliCopter GmbH (NHC) has expanded its fleet with another Airbus H155 B1 helicopter, which will be used for transport to offshore installations, including wind farms.
According to NHC, the new aircraft is the second in the fleet to be used for crew changes and transport flights to helidecks and helipads on offshore structures and ships.
Two 947 HP engines (SHE Arriel 2C2) and a rotor diameter of 12.6m allow the helicopter to fly to almost any wind turbine located offshore Germany, the company said.
“We are pleased to now be able to offer the services of a second helicopter of this type,” said Frank Zabell, CEO of NHC. “Our customers appreciate the high comfort and low vibration and noise levels on board. With a cruising speed of 145 knots, this type of helicopter is perfect for crew changes in the offshore sector.”
The German company won a contract by 50Hertz Transmission (50HzT) last year to provide a rescue helicopter with pilots and medical crew for emergencies on offshore wind farms in the Baltic Sea.
Most recently, NHC was chosen to supply a rescue helicopter with flight and medical crew in St. Peter-Ording in support of the construction of the Hohe See and Albatros offshore wind farms in Germany.