New York to Study European Offshore Wind Transmission Models


New York power agencies and partners have signed a Memorandum of Understanding to conduct a study of successful offshore wind transmission models with a specific focus on largescale European projects.

Image for illustrative purposes only. Source: TenneT

The findings of the study are expected to help guide the state’s development of 2,400MW of offshore wind in waters off the Atlantic Coast by 2030.

“New York continues to be a national leader in the development of our robust offshore wind industry, aiming to make wind energy as accessible and affordable as possible for all New Yorkers,” Governor Cuomo said.

“As we strive to meet aggressive energy goals, we are committed to developing a clean energy economy that will attract investment and create thousands of jobs by 2030.”

The New York Power Authority will lead the study. New York Independent System Operator, Con Edison, New York State Energy Research and Development Authority, and Long Island Power Authority will collaborate with NYPA on the initial phase of the research.

Particular attention will be given to the physical design, including radial and network connections and interconnections between the projects and to the respective onshore transmission systems as well as development and rate structures. The study will also focus on the ownership structures, business models and financing approaches used in each jurisdiction, as well as the regulatory approaches governing transmission development and cost recovery. Results of the study are expected this fall.

In July, the Public Service Commission authorized NYSERDA, in consultation with NYPA and LIPA, to issue Phase 1 solicitations in 2018 and 2019 for approximately 800MW of offshore wind. The Public Service Commission also required NYSERDA to take immediate steps to study transmission solutions for Phase 2 and beyond to consider the longer-term configurations for cost-effective transmission of offshore wind, and the various options for ownership and planning processes. This study will inform the State on how to potentially apply learnings from Europe to New York for its Phase 2 procurements.

Earlier this year, Governor Cuomo announced the New York State Offshore Wind Master Plan, which will guide the state in the development of 2.4GW of offshore wind by 2030. The plan describes the conditions necessary for the state to achieve its offshore wind target and indicates the need for future technical studies, like the one announced, and analyses to advance the most cost-effective and responsible development. The findings of the study will be timely as the state looks at transmission costs which the Master Plan estimates could comprise 30 percent of total costs of an offshore wind development.