Semco Maritime to Service Deutsche Bucht OSS

Contracts & Tenders

Northland Deutsche Bucht has awarded Danish-based Semco Maritime with a 5-year service contract for the Deutsche Bucht offshore wind farm in the German part of the North Sea.

The offshore substation for Deutsche Bucht offshore wind farm under construction in Vlissingen, Netherlands. Source: Northland Deutsche Bucht

Semco Maritime is responsible for servicing the wind farm’s offshore substation (OSS).

Alongside, Semco Maritime is doubling staffing at offshore centre in Norddeich due to increasing activity. The permanent staff of offshore specialists will now increase to 8-10 employees and be supplemented with project recruitments as needed, the company said.

Deutsche Bucht is Northland Power’s third offshore wind farm. Nordsee One, the second offshore wind farm for Northland
Power, and Semco Maritime have an existing service contract, to which Semco Maritime also constructed the OSS.

The 269MW Deutsche Bucht offshore wind farm will be constructed about 95 kilometres to the northwest of the North Sea island of Borkum in Germany’s Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ).

The wind farm will have a total of 33 wind turbines, 31 on monopiles and two on so-called Mono Bucket foundations. It is the first time this new type of foundation structure will be tested under commercial operating conditions. The 33 MHI Vestas offshore wind turbines can each generate up to 8.4MW of power.