Boskalis and Tekmar to Form Offshore Wind Partnership

Business & Finance

Dutch company Royal Boskalis and UK-based Tekmar Energy have announced a framework agreement to support the global offshore wind market, covering new product development and innovation.

Source: Boskalis

Tekmar, a cable protection specialist, expects to create 50 highly-skilled UK jobs across the sector in the long term.

The deal is part of a series of commercial agreements between the UK and the Netherlands revealed at the UK Netherlands Innovation Showcase event.

The agreements also include a contract between Orsted and EEW OSB for the manufacture of 35 monopiles for the Borssele 1+2 offshore wind farm in the Dutch North Sea, and Royal IHC’s announcement that the company will open its new offshore base in Newcastle at the end of October.

UK’s Business Secretary, Greg Clark, said: ”Our Industrial Strategy identified clean growth as one of the greatest industrial opportunities for the UK. Tekmar Energy and EEW OSB are reaping the benefits, providing parts for offshore windfarms off our coasts and around the world.”

NOTE: The article was edited on Wednesday, 24 October, at 13:05 CET.