Feed-In-Tariffs In Place for Six French Offshore Wind Farms


France’s Minister of Ecology François de Rugy has signed the letters approving re-negotiated feed-in-tariffs for six offshore wind projects selected in the country’s first two tendering rounds.

Source: Edouard Philippe/Twitter

The Round 1 projects selected in 2012 include Saint-Nazaire, Courseulles-sur-Mer, and Fécamp, developed by an EDF-led consortium, and Saint Brieuc, developed by an Iberdrola-led consortium, with a combined capacity of 2GW.

The Round 2 tender winners in 2014 include the 496MW Dieppe-Le Tréport and the 496MW Ile d’Yeu et de Noirmoutier projects, developed by an Engie-led consortium.

Back in June, France re-negotiated the previously set feed-in-tariffs from around EUR 200 per MWh to around EUR 150 per MWh. Following the completion of the negotiations, the project developers expressed their eagerness to move forward with the projects.

The projected government support for the six projects through the guaranteed feed-in-tariffs is valued at over EUR 20 billion, according to the French Prime Minister Edouard Philippe who witnessed the signing of the letters this Thursday morning in Dunkerque, where the tender for the Dunkerque offshore wind farm was also launched.