Fred. Olsen Windcarrier Installs Milestone Turbine at Horns Rev 3

Business & Finance

Fred. Olsen Windcarrier has marked a milestone in offshore wind turbine installation as it installed the 400th unit.

Source: Fred. Olsen Windcarrier
Source: Fred. Olsen Windcarrier

The turbine has been installed at Vattenfall’s Horns Rev 3 offshore wind farm in Denmark using the jack-up vessel Brave Tern.

Horns Rev 3 passed a halfway turbine installation point at the beginning of November after the 25th of 49 MHI Vestas V164-8.3 MW turbines had been situated at the site 25-40km west of Houstrup Strand.

Once fully commissioned in 2020, the 406.7MW project will become the largest offshore wind farm in Denmark.

To remind, Brave Tern completed a crane boom extension at Damen Shipyard in Amsterdam this summer, which enabled the vessel to tackle the largest turbines currently in the market.