France Sets 2030 Offshore Wind Target, Industry Not Impressed


The French government presented a multiannual energy programme on 27 November, revealing plans to increase onshore wind capacity from the current 14.3GW to some 35GW by 2030 and to add further 2.2GW of offshore wind, on top of the 3GW already tendered and waiting to be built.

Following the introduction of the plans, France Energie Eolienne (FEE), the country’s wind energy association, has called on the government to revise the objectives for offshore wind power.

FEE said that France would otherwise inevitably miss the opportunity to tap into the sector’s advantages, including the security of clean energy supply and job creation.

The association said France had all the assets in hand to be a European engine of offshore wind and a leader in floating wind.

French plans have not gone unnoticed by Europe’s wind energy association either. WindEurope CEO Giles Dickson said that the offshore wind numbers were disappointing, adding that France has massive potential both in fixed-bottom and floating offshore wind.

“They could comfortably develop up to 11 GW by 2030. 2.2 GW is really unambitious and will leave France at the bottom of the class on offshore wind, missing out on jobs and investment. Let’s hope their National Energy and Climate Plan for the EU has a better number,” Dickson said.

Offshore WIND Staff