Polish Offshore Wind Farm Secures Capacity Boost

Polish Offshore Wind Farm Secures Capacity Boost

Wind Farm Update

Polenergia and Equinor have secured an additional 240MW of capacity for their 600MW Bałtyk Środkowy II offshore wind project in Poland.


The capacity boost is part of the terms that the two companies secured from Polish grid operator Polskie Sieci Elektroenergetyczne (PSE) for establishing a power link between the project and the grid, a spokesperson for Polenergia told OffshoreWIND.

The terms assume that the wind farm could sport a capacity of 240MW, which would increase the total capacity of the Bałtyk Środkowy II and III projects from 1,200MW to 1,440MW.

In May 2018, Polenergia and Equinor signed the agreement to jointly own and develop the two offshore wind projects in the Polish Baltic Sea.

The wind farms will be located in areas approximately 27km and 40km from the port of Łeba in water depths of 20-40m. Polenergia Bałtyk III is expected to deliver first power in 2025, with Polenergia Bałtyk II following in 2027.