EMO Wins Deal for Vattenfall's Marine Coordination Center

EMO Wins Deal for Vattenfall’s Marine Coordination Center

Contracts & Tenders

EMS Maritime Offshore (EMO) has won a contract to provide nautical personnel for Vattenfall’s Marine Coordination Center in Esbjerg, Denmark.


Under the three-year contract, EMO will provide up to ten marine coordinators who will begin supporting Vattenfall’s offshore wind projects 24/7 during the construction and operation phases from 1 March.

The team will also be in charge of documenting and coordinating all personnel and ship movements in the offshore wind farms.

“We are very proud that Vattenfall has selected our nautical staff to coordinate their projects,” said Jan Heyenga, Head of Maritime Services at EMO. “We look forward to working with the Vattenfall team in the future”.

From Esbjerg, Vattenfall coordinates its offshore wind farms on the Danish west coast, including the Sandbank and DanTysk projects, which are in the operational phase, and the Horns Rev 3 project, currently in the construction phase.