IPF 2019 Welcomes Industry Big Shots

IPF 2019 Welcomes Industry Big Shots

Business & Finance

This year’s upcoming International Partnering Forum (IPF) will be the largest to date and will be headlined by global offshore wind leaders, according to the U.S. Business Network for Offshore Wind.

Business Network for Offshore Wind (Illustration)

The sixth annual IPF conference will take place on 8 April in New York and is expected to see more than 1,000 attendees, including state, federal and international industry leaders.

Presentations will be held by New Jersey Governor Phil Murphy, NYSERDA Chairman of the Board Richard Kauffman and President and CEO Alicia Barton, President of Ørsted North America Thomas Brostrøm, BOEM Director Walter Cruickshank and WindEurope CEO Giles Dickson, among others.

“The IPF will bring together state, federal and international leaders with industry experts to harness the momentum of the U.S. industry and push forward the establishment of a U.S. offshore wind supply chain,” said Liz Burdock, CEO & President of the Network.

“Along the U.S. coastline lies a resource with the power to create clean energy, unparalleled jobs and economic growth. We are on the cusp of a booming offshore wind industry, with states along the eastern seaboard committing to large-scale offshore wind at an unprecedented rate.”

IPF will feature educational programs, workshops and networking opportunities with the aim of facilitating partnerships that will grow the industry and build capacity within the U.S. offshore wind supply chain, the network said, adding that the conference will also see significant announcements.

The two-and-a-half-day event will cover critical issues facing the U.S. offshore wind industry, including supply chain capacity, grid connectivity, big data and long-term outlooks for 100% renewable energy by 2045.

“Partnerships and collaboration are the hallmark of New York’s holistic approach to offshore wind development, and events like the IPF support our goal of bringing industry stakeholders to the table in a way that ensures offshore wind is developed responsibly and cost-effectively,” Barton said.